onsdag 20 april 2011

Baseball Bat


I got this from a friend. She had it on her FB status.
Its soo true...
You see a teenager beat 
puppy with a baseball-bat.
97% yells "STOP!"
2% yells "MOVE!"
1% Takes the baseball bat and slams the idiot
in the head, then take the puppy
to the vet!
Put this on your status if you're that 1%

I am probably the 1% person that if I got a chance

to HIT anyone on the head, this would be MY chance
hehe. But anyways ...

It sad, this is sooo true.

And sad is the puppy that died the other day in Malmoe city
when a bus hit it, almost killed its owner to.
I mean, OMG is the driver BLIND or Whaaaaaat..

OK stay focused, dont hit anything .. (not even with a bat ;)~

Heres a picture to brighten the day up:

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